Metric/AF/Whitworth Wrench Equivalents

Grant Tiller

Here is a graphic that shows that there is a small, very limited amount of interchangeability between metric, AF and Whitworth wrenches (also spanners and sockets).

Of course, it is always best practice to use the correct tool for the job, however, there are occasions where you may not be able to lay your hands on the right wrench size, and you have an equivalent that fits.

It is also possible that a nut or bolt may be heavily worn or damaged, so downsizing a little may give you a more snug, tighter fit on the flats.

Here is a chart that highlights where there is some interchangeability between different types of wrenches/spanners/sockets.

Grant Tiller

This is also available as a PDF download in case you want to print it out to keep handy in your workshop!

2 replies

  1. Hello, I’m well equipped with metric and AF spanners and sockets and was wondering whether I really needed to add Whitworth for the series Land Rover I recently acquired. Your chart has been invaluable and I’m now on the hunt for a good set of Whitworth spanners.
    I appreciate the effort you’ve made to compile the chart and publish it here, thank you.

    • Thanks so much for your kind words Andrew!

      Feedback like that makes it all worthwhile!

      There is a lot of whit and bsf on the older landy.

      While a lot of the industry moved to UNF/UNC in the 60s, the threads on the engine parts and especially the gearbox came a little later.

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